She is not exactly sure what they meant when they promised her a better life and the good things of the city. Ada knew the situation she endures now,is not exactly what she nor her parents, anticipated when they let her go with uncle francis and his wife to the city.

She quickly adapted, to washing heaps of dirty clothes everyday. The despicable oddity of washing her uncle's boxer shorts,and his wife's blood stained underwears, seldom terrified her anymore. The better life earlier promised, may have turned out to be a pleasant pseudonym for 'full time house help,Ada,the only daughter of her parents,still refers to her uncle and his wife, as Daddy and mummy, in obedience to her mother. She was told that her aunt and uncle, would be her new parents-they would love,guide and protect her like her real parents-by mother. She's thankful she took all that promise with a pinch of salt,atleast it has helped her swallow the bitter pills of manual and debasing labor, forced down her throat.

She is deeply hurt by the realisation, that she won't be seeing the four walls of a classroom soon,perhaps never again. She looked forward to her secondary education in the city, but as she knew too well,her uncle had no plans for that. The searing pain around her hips, coupled with the pounding headache that has plagued her in recent weeks, would not let her thoroughly dwell on her sorrows,peacefully. As she walked to her room,ten year old Ada,secretly wished she could turn back the hands of time. she would be in the village right now,if she could,savoring a plate of roasted yam and palm oil,spiced with a mother's love. How fast time flies and things change. She had a room-a whole room to herself here,she thought,on the bright side.
"Good things of the city" she shrugged,forcing a half smile on her face.
"Ada! Hope you've had your bath this evening?"

uncle francis enquired from the sitting room.

"yes sir!"

"Good,i don't want you smelling around my house"

His sudden interest in her hygiene was strange. Ada wondered if, she had been smelling so bad-bad enough to force her uncle, to take her hygiene personal.

"Ooooh God!"

she exclaimed, at the sight of her bed sheet. she forgot to wash it,this afternoon. She didn't enjoy the thought of using the sheet this night, with that strange smear on it. It had dried in and left a visible and distinct shape on the looked like a candle or akamu-pap- stain. She had woken up in the morning, with sharp pains around her pelvis, when she noticed the semi viscous fluid, on the part of the sheet,beneath her waist. It had become a normal part of her mornings,recently. She could still recall vividly, the first time she noticed it,a week ago. It is fresh in her memory because, it was the first time uncle Francis had barged into her room nagging, over her bathing before bed. She was undressed and about to tie her preferred night wear-a wrapper,when uncle Francis barged in. Ada chuckled, as she recalls the embarrassment which took over her,as uncle Francis fixed his gaze on her young unclad body. His eyes roved north and south her naked body... (To be continued...)


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